The Teaching Ministry of Calvary Bible Church
The scriptures tell us, the words of the Lord Jesus Christ command us to make disciples of all nations. This happens one heart at a time. It begins with our hearts being transformed by Christ who then gives us His divine ability to truly love Him and others. With our sins forgiven and a new relationship with Jesus, what now emanates from our lives are desires to exalt the One who loves us and gave Himself for us. Making disciples is one of the ways we exalt and glorify God. Desiring that people know and walk with Christ is a passion clearly communicated in all aspects of our teaching ministry. Pastor Steve Feralio
Our teaching commitment in leading people to follow Christ starts with our little ones and extends to out adults.
Our Pulpit
On Sunday mornings we are currently worshipping our Lord as we study the Gospel of Mark.
*During the sermon, we provide Bible classes and crafts for children ages 2-5 and 1st through 5th grade.
Every Tuesday we have a Men’s Bible study at 11:00 am. We are currently studying 2 Timothy.
Every Tuesday we have a Ladies Bible study at 11:00 am. They are currently studying The book of Esther.
Our Wednesday Evening Mid Week Bible Study 7:00pm / Join us as we study Biblical truth from the “Dust to Glory” teachings series by RC Sproul.
With so many different theologies out there, where do you start? Where must our focus lie? Of course it should be the Biblical understanding that God is the center. Reformed theology is the name that developed as the reformers corrected the false doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. Though the RCC did not accept these teachings, the Great Biblical Truth of God and His salvation were once again preached. Here we stand. The essence of Reformed theology and its strictest focus is on theology, the knowledge of the true God. And no more important knowledge exists to inform our lives than the knowledge of God.
(Following Ministries to be Announced)
Adult Sunday Fellowship Group Classes
These are challenging and taught in such a way that even those attending for a short time experience a good connection with the material taught and with others in the class.
Youth Ministries
Our prayer and pledge is to teach the truth and be godly examples and role models for our youth.
Our commitment for our youth is to equip them to live life the way their Creator intended.
Our desire is that our youth embrace the truth and not be ashamed of the Lord of truth.
(Following Ministries to be Announced)
Children's Sunday School Classes (Preschool through sixth grade)
For these ages we teach a curriculum called Generations of Grace. Generations of Grace is a biblically based and God-centered curriculum designed for children three years old through sixth grade. Over a three-year period, this curriculum covers the Old Testament historical books, the life of Christ, and lessons from Acts and Revelation.
Junior and Senior High Classes
After our elementary children have a good grasp on Bible content we advance our youth into a curriculum called Light-bearers.
This program of study teaches and equips our next generation not only to know the truth but to know why they believe what they believe.
If our youth receive and follow Jesus as Lord and Savior, then study His Word, they will be equipped to intelligently defend the faith as they step into a world that so desperately needs them. Our commitment as a church and as Christian educators is to support and re-enforce what you as parents so desire for your children. It is our privilege to serve you in this capacity.
With this in mind there are two other great opportunities for our youth and their friends. One is a Kids club and the other is a Youth group.
"Connect" A group for high school and young adults
Panera Bread (Deptford NJ) the last Friday of every month at 7pm for refreshments, fellowship and relevant spiritual discussions.
Bible Studies for College, Career and all Age Groups
Another great opportunity is two small group eight week studies that run periodically throughout the year. These studies are held weekly during the day and or the evenings making them convenient for all college and adult age groups. These studies include…
Christianity Explored
This study answers the questions; Who really is this Jesus? And can we really trust the Bible?
If this is something you would like to attend please contact the church office at or 856 848-2707.
Discipleship Explored
This study will sharpen your understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Christ. This study will not just answer the what of discipleship, but also the how and the why of discipleship. You will also be encouraged by others, who like yourself want to grow in the Lord along with those who will encourage you in the Christian faith and your walk with Christ. http://
Colossians 1:9-12 ... We have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light