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Mid Week Connection June 3, 2020

Mid Week Connection

June 3, 2020

There is Hope

As we watch the  news, most of us l am sure are disheartened to say the least. Sadly this has been the way of sinful man from the fall. 

From nearly the very beginning there was rebellion against God by Adam and Eve. Then right on the heels of the rebellion, Adam and Eve turn on one another by shifting the blame to one another and ultimately towards God. 

Then we are reminded of Cain and Abel. Here the heart of man is exposed again as wretched. Cain rebells and rejects God and His righteous way for his life. That is where it always begins. 

Romans 1:30 “slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil...”

John 3:20 “For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.”

But that is not where it stops. Man hates God and the creation of God, disdaining his fellow man. He sets himself up, as does Satan his master, and wreaks havoc. 

Cain in Genesis 4: was “very angry” with God and his brother. Along with the anger there was jealousy, bitterness, prejudice, hatred, revenge and yes, murder. The inner evil hearts or natures of men are revealed, exposed when things are not as they desire. 

They want to rule. They want to be first. And why not? Deep down they deem themselves better than everyone else. They believe they are entitled. They think they are the greatest seated on the throne of their lives. Their lustful cravings include power, prestige, fame, wealth and compliance from those they consider the lowly lower class. 

We are a corrupt people, and only by faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ will we be forgiven for our crimes against God and humanity. With that forgiveness comes a new heart from God which enables us to love God and one another. 

Hopefully it is becoming clear to those who are trying to cure society and man’s problems that their ongoing attempts are failing. 

Reform doesn’t work. Why? It does not change the problem, which is the heart. 

Rehabilitation isn’t lasting. Why? It does not change the problem, which is the heart. 

Well then, it must be education that will solve man’s problems. We are all for true education, but as C S Lewis said, “It will only make for a more clever devil.” It does not change the problem, which is the heart. 

Environment isn’t the solution. Why? The old saying is true,

“You can take the pig out of the mud, but you can’t take the mud out of a pig.” Environment does not change the problem, which is the heart. 

Then there are those who feel they have the solution in their religion. They pontificate their opinions. They live in the realm of deception and at the same time deceive others. Jesus called such religious leaders blind guides leading the blind. These religious leaders, though dressed in different clerical garb, are in unison saying the same things such as,

“By your good works you earn eternal life and gain favor with God.” Or, “Because God is love all people of all religions go to heaven. All roads lead to heaven.”

And of course, “Man is basically good.”

Let it be clearly understood, biblical historical Christianity is opposed to the previous statements. Yes, the statement is true that God is love, but that attribute is linked to all His other attributes including justice, righteousness and holy wrath against sin and sinners. So what do we have? We have the clergy telling their congregants they are good with good hearts. They tell them what they want to hear not what is the reality of their hearts.  So religion exacerbates the problem. Why? Because it does not acknowledge the heart of man which Is the problem. 

If all this falls short of making mankind a sane, benevolent creature, then, some may say, “It must be wealth that is the missing factor.”

Is that really so? You fill in the blank — So-and-so had everything they would ever want and more and still committed suicide. Money was no object but they were sad, worried, fearful, anxious and depressed. They started businesses and organizations to help people but that did not satisfy or give them lasting joy and peace. 

They attended the best schools and had many letters after their names but were unable to keep their marriages and families together. 

They lived in grand mansions, in the best communities and still were empty hearted and looking for more. Yes, empty hearted, but some things still remaining. Still the jealousy. Still the prejudice. Still the bitterness. Still the unforgiving spirit. Still the hatred in their hearts with some going the next step and murdering their fellow man. Surely you have sadly seen this scenario time and time again in the news. 

What is the problem? The problem is the heart or nature. 

“The heart is deceitful above all things,And desperately wicked; Who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9

We need a new heart and that is what God gives for those who turn from their sin and call upon Him for forgiveness and salvation. 

2 Corinthians 5:17–Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

God transforming a heart is the only hope for peace with God, peace in your heart and peace with your fellow man. God offers inner peace in this life and eternal life in the next. You know this if you have trusted the resurrected Christ as your Lord and Savior. 

Be encouraged! There is coming a time and place where sin will be eradicated with no more death, sorrow, crying or pain. Revelation 21:4. 

So what are we suppose to do now as Christians?

Do we just wait around to be absent from the body and present with the Lord? No. Our lives have purpose. We are called to proclaim the gospel, the good news of Christ crucified, risen and coming again. The good news that we can be forgiven of our sin, stand declared righteous before a holy God and live godly lives. 

This is the transformation that is needed. This is the solution for the wicked heart and the woes of man. The news anchors chatter day and night. The politicians give their grandiose speeches only to deal with symptoms, but God provides the cure. 

Yes, these are challenging changing times and yes, they are our God given times. If you are a true Christian you have the privilege and command to be an ambassador for Christ declaring His kingdom truth. Let us thank God for His forgiveness and giving us the privilege to be part of solution for all that is going on around us today. 

By His Grace,

Pastor Steve

Earlier Event: May 20
Mid Week Connection May 20, 2020
Later Event: June 11
Mid Week Connection June 11, 2020